University Archives & Special Collections, Sheaf, September 23, 1966 page 11. (Patrick Hayes)

The Campus Consumer Market

From the first day of classes in 1909, those who work and study at the university have been a much coveted market.

From the first day of classes in 1909, those who work and study at the university have been a much coveted market.   

Retailers, manufacturers and recruiters have all advertised on the pages of campus publications.

From clothing to entertainment, from school supplies to that cherished graduation photograph, the pursuit of the customer has been continual. One advertising target has been the dashing young man about town.

Here’s an advertisement that appeared in the Sheaf on Sept. 13, 1966.

Kim’s of England was a men’s clothing store that sought to bring the style of London (swingingest place in the world) to Saskatoon. 

Like many retailers, Kim’s offered a student discount.

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