University Archives & Special Collections, A-10863. (Patrick Hayes)

Distance Education

This September 1987 photo shows Michael Hayden, Professor of History, delivering a lecture.

This September 1987 photo shows Michael Hayden, Professor of History, delivering a lecture.

It was the first year the university offered intro­ductory credit courses in History (112.6) and English (110.6) via television satel­lite.

Sessions originated in the studios of the Division of Audio-Visual Services and were beamed via satellite to 14 provincial centres. 

The Division of Extension and Community Relations arranged the courses as part of its distance edu­cation program. They were designed to meet the needs of students unable to attend classes on campus.

Each course included a televised presen­tation by the instructor in Saskatoon and dis­cussions led by on-site tutors or proctors.

Student comments and questions were con­veyed by telephone and heard by participants at all locations. The instructor’s responses were transmitted by television.

For additional assistance, stu­dents could consult the instructor during of­fice hours using toll-free telephone lines.  

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